Running with My Girls film documentary

Galentine’s Day 2025 Film Showing and Fundraiser

Watch “Running with My Girls” and join us for a Galentine’s Day movie discussion and fundraiser!

Colorado 50-50 will provide online access to the film from February 6-13. Then, we’ll hold a Zoom discussion on Galentine’s Day – Thursday, February 13, at 7 PM.

Tired of watching local government ignore their communities’ interests, five diverse female activists decide to run for municipal office in Denver — one of the fastest gentrifying cities in the country. It begins when Shontel Lewis wins a transit board seat, inspiring four women who worked on her campaign – Dr. Lisa Calderón, Candi CdeBaca, Shayla Richard, and Veronica Barela – to make the unusual decision to run as a cohort. They quickly realize that in politics, large sums of money can convince voters to overlook scandals, empty promises, and shallow relationships with the community.  

With only a fraction of the funds of their incumbent opponents, the women tirelessly knock doors, make calls, and rely on each other to power their grassroots campaigns. Using an intimate and unfiltered style to tell each candidate’s story, filmmaker Rebekah Henderson honestly portrays the challenges faced by political outsiders, particularly women of color, while also revealing their tenacious commitment to justice and democracy. Ultimately, Running With My Girls is a lesson about an engaged community outrunning the deep pockets of the political establishment and a demonstration that building a new kind of political power is not just aspirational but possible.

We’re raising money for our May 10 Ready To Run campaign training. Suggested donation levels: $15, $25, $35. A donation in any amount will serve as your registration. We will send the Zoom link to the email address that is used to make the donation. 

Donate here:

If you are not able to donate at this time, please email to request a scholarship to attend.

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