Colorado 50-50 Awarded National Grant to Promote Gender Parity in Elected Offices

Royal Neighbors of America, one of the largest and first women-led insurance organizations in the U.S., located in Rock Island, Ill., has announced Erin Hottenstein, founder of Colorado 50-50, Fort Collins, CO, has been presented with one of ten Nation of Neighborsâ„  empowerment awards and grants presented nationwide. In addition to the award, she received … Continue reading Colorado 50-50 Awarded National Grant to Promote Gender Parity in Elected Offices

Hon. Betsy Markey will be the special guest at the CO 50-50 Fall Social

Fall Social with special guest the Hon. Betsy Markey

We are looking forward to meeting up on Thursday, October 7, for our Fall Social. The Honorable Betsy Markey will be our special guest. She served as a member of the U.S. Congress from 2009-2011 for District 4. In December 2018, she was named Executive Director of Colorado's Office of Economic Development and International Trade … Continue reading Fall Social with special guest the Hon. Betsy Markey

New report on gender parity in Colorado county elected offices

By Ellie Gerstner, Colorado 50-50 intern In Colorado alone, there are more than 550 elected positions at the county level. These county positions include assessor, clerk and recorder, county commissioner, coroner, treasurer, sheriff, surveyor, and district attorney. New research from Colorado 50-50 shows that overall, there are 218 women and 336 men elected, this puts … Continue reading New report on gender parity in Colorado county elected offices

Sara Loflin, Kate Miya, Stan Matsunaka

AAPI Community Summer Social – Broomfield

Given current demographics, there should be four members of the Asian-American and Pacific Islander (or AAPI) community in the Legislature, yet now we have zero! We're working to change that. Almost a year ago, Colorado 50-50 brought together a group of volunteers specifically interested in seeing more AAPI women in elected office. Please join us on Saturday, … Continue reading AAPI Community Summer Social – Broomfield

AAPI Community Summer Social – Save the date!

Colorado has zero Asian-American and Pacific Islander (or AAPI) people in the Legislature and - if you wanted a number that reflected the population - there should be four. We're working to change that. Almost a year ago, Colorado 50-50 brought together a group of volunteers specifically interested in seeing more AAPI women in elected office. … Continue reading AAPI Community Summer Social – Save the date!